Making Conflict Transformational

Tree standing in water under a stormy sky

The Making Conflict Transformational Resources are carefully designed to give you practical tools for dealing with conflict situations that will increase the likelihood of transformational results in you, others, and in the relationships represented in the conflict. All of the blogs are free along with some of the leadership podcasts (a Personal MinistryLift Membership gives you full access to all of the MinistryLift resources while a Church MinistryLift Membership opens up all of the MinistryLift resources for your entire church).


The Making Conflict Transformational Blog Series describes six steps that anyone can take to see something good come out of conflict situations. Dr. Randy Wollf has been practicing these principles (by his own admission, sometimes more effectively than at other times) and training others to use them for years.

Other MinistryLift Blogs on Conflict


FREE! A Peacemaker’s Guide to Addressing Conflict: Six Lessons from Acts | Dr. Randy Wollf | 13:52 | Preview Podcast
Acts 15 describes a significant conflict in the life of the early church. We can learn six important lessons from this important struggle: 1) Engage the issues, 2) look for God's blessings in the midst of conflict, 3) acknowledge and unpack divergent perspectives, 4) engage in communal dialogue and discernment, 5) be appropriately assertive, and 6) seek a win-win solution.

FREE! Making Conflict Transformational: An Overview | Dr. Randy Wollf | 5:19 | Preview Podcast
This podcast gives an overview of the six steps for making conflict transformational that are featured in the next five podcasts.

Making Conflict Transformational: Step #1 – Recognize that Conflict is Necessary | Dr. Randy Wollf | 8:22 | Preview Podcast
Conflict often provides optimal conditions for personal, interpersonal, and organizational growth. It forces people to pay attention to what's happening, think better, and love more.

Making Conflict Transformational: Step #2 – Identify the Type of Conflict and the Intensity Factors | Dr. Randy Wollf | 9:16 | Preview Podcast
In this podcast, Randy describes six types of conflict and how we might respond well in each of them. In addition, he explores the factors that can cause a conflict to escalate and those that can deescalate a conflict situation.


Making Conflict Transformational: Strategies 3 and 4 – Bathe the Situation in Prayer and Check Your Own Heart

Making Conflict Transformational: Step #5 – Understand Your Approach to Conflict

Making Conflict Transformational: Step #6 – Build Pathways of Peace

Enduring Conflict

Mediating Conflict