Breakthrough 2015: Nurturing the New Generation of Chinese Youth
Breakthrough "Nurturing the New Generation of Chinese Youth" Series
October 10 and 12, 2015
Richmond, BC and via Live-streaming
The Breakthrough organization from Hong Kong will offer two training courses to help youth parents and youth workers to nurture the new generation of Chinese youth. Both courses will take place on Trinity Western University's Richmond Campus (#305 - 5900 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, BC). Both courses will have four 75-minute sessions that will feature 45 mintues of instruction and 30 minutes of group discussion. The cost is $55 for one day or $95 for both days. If your church is outside of the Vancouver area and would like to live-stream the training, please contact MinistryLift with your request.
Youth Parents Course - October 10 (9:00 am - 4:30 pm)
Target - Primarily Chinese parents with teens, but youth workers are also very welcome.
Description - This course will help youth parents and youth workers build up the self-esteem of teens and lay a quality foundation for their lives. This will not only reduce their behavioural problems, but will also help them face their lives, relationships, and challenges with a strong spirit and good attitude.
Session 1 - Extraordinary Kids
Session 2 - To Live Life Nobly
Session 3 - Servant Leaders in the Community
Session 4 - The Liveliness of Generation Z
Youth Workers Course - October 12 (9:00 am - 4:30 pm)
Target - Chinese Youth Pastors, Youth Leaders, Parents
Description - This course will help youth workers and parents know the culture and characteristics of the Internet generation, understand the influence of social culture on youth, and help youth live out their faith in their daily lives. It will also help participants understand in a deeper way the basic characteristics of youth workers, so that they can walk with their youth more closely.
Session 1 - Nurturing and Walking with the Internet Generation
Session 2 - In Search of the Calling of Youth
Session 3 - Nurturing the Heavenly People and Earthly Citizens
Session 4 - Fulfilling the Ministry of Youth Evangelization
You can download a printable booklet with more information in both Cantonese and English here.