
Opportunism and God's Holiness

  • 18 May 2013
  • Randy Wollf

Ladder of SuccessAfter the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant from the Israelites, God’s hand was against the Philistines. Many died while the Lord afflicted others with tumors (1 Sam. 5:12). Finally, the Philistines had enough and sent the Ark back to Israel on an ox cart (1 Sam. 6). The residents of Beth Shemesh, a border town between Israel and Philistia, were overjoyed when they saw the Ark roll into town. They immediately made a sacrifice to the Lord. However, 70 of them also took the opportunity to look into the Ark, a privilege reserved for the High Priest. God struck them down. Now, if I had been one of the residents of Beth Shemesh, I would have wanted to check out the ark’s contents, too, especially after seeing my neighbors take a peek (God apparently did not strike down the 70 until later). Yet, God is a holy God. He requires us to act in keeping with His holiness. Leaders can be opportunistic. This is often a good trait provided that seizing the opportunity in no way undermines God’s holiness and the holiness He desires in us.