Navigating Church Politics

Book cover for Navigating Church Politics by Randy Wollf

Amazon Reviews

Wollf brilliantly unravels the often hidden nature of church politics, showing how power is subtly used in the background of many conversations. Navigating Church Politics is both a case study and offers principles for understanding and analyzing power, integrating a wide array of research into a format that is useable and applicable. If you want to understand power dynamics in your church, this is the book for you.
John D. Barry - Pastor and Author of Jesus' Economy

Such an empowering read. Many of us hear the term "church politics" and immediately search for the nearest exit! Church politics demand time, emotional efforts, and commitment when there is little to give, often times resulting in broken relationships, hurt, and burnout. However, this book moves one from the desire to wash their hands of the "unrealistic expectations" and "stubbornness" of others by empowering its readers to not run from church politics, but to navigate them in a healthy way...not landmines to tip toe around in fear, but stirring waters to push through with confidence and a steadfastness in humility...I would definitely encourage this book to any and all (I don't think it should be limited to just "church leadership" as these power dynamics are present in every relationship and understanding their positive and negative force can be extremely healthy on any relational level), though for people in church leadership, it is an absolute must-read. It will save you and your church family much heartache, pain, and brokenness!
Benjamin - Pastor

Note: To read now, requires a MinistryLift Membership. You can also order the book through Amazon.

Book Description

Are you tired of dealing with church politics? Do you sometimes feel like giving up on the church because of power struggles and conflict?

In Navigating Church Politics, veteran pastor and church leadership expert, Dr. Randy Wollf, explores one church’s productive, yet painful, direction-setting process. Through an in-depth look at this church’s journey and a study of relevant research, he will help you discover:

  • How to recognize and address inappropriate uses of power without sinking the church.
  • How to help people focus on their God-given calling so that they don’t have the desire to torpedo others.
  • How to make the most of good uses of power to avoid danger and accomplish the church’s mission.
  • How to empower people to contribute their ideas to the decision-making process, so that good decisions are made that people own and want to implement together.
  • How to manage conflict so that it strengthens the church.

Many church leaders have faced the unwelcome intrusion of church politics into their ministries. It can be very distracting and frustrating. Yet, Randy shows that church politics is a normal and necessary part of church life. Wherever you have a group of people, you will have good and bad exertions of power. Unfortunately, many Christian leaders check out of leadership, not realizing that the church politics that hurt them could have become one of their greatest allies for enacting positive change.

Why do many Christian leaders fall prey to the dark side of church politics? Leaders are often ill-equipped to use and help others use power in ways that are of maximum benefit to their ministries. Both paid and volunteer leaders in the church and in other ministries often find themselves wandering in a daze through minefields of competing interests.

Understanding and navigating power dynamics well is an essential part of leadership. This book provides both veteran and emerging church leaders with knowledge about power dynamics and direction for managing these influential forces while leading organizational change.

Note: To read now, requires a MinistryLift Membership. You can also order the book through Amazon.