Is God Good All of the Time?

  • 28 November 2014
  • Randy Wollf

Being Thankful in the Tough TimesIt was Christmas and we were expecting our second child. The pregnancy was not going well and we ended up losing the baby. We were devastated. Was God still good in the midst of this painful loss?

Flip back a few thousand years to the city of Jerusalem. The Israelites had lost their homeland. The Babylonians had destroyed their temple and their beloved city. Many Jews were forcibly taken to Babylon as captives. Yet, after many years in captivity, King Cyrus granted the Jews permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.

After laying the temple foundation, the priests and Levites sang to the Lord: “He is good; his love to Israel endures forever” (Ezra 3:11). Despite the hardships they had experienced, the Israelites rejoiced that God was good through it all.

Tragedies happen. Life is sometimes unfair. Yet, God’s goodness and love remain. Yes, God is good – all of the time.